Little Online Book of PSB Lists
- 10 things the Pet Shop Boys did to commit career suicide in the U.S.
- The 10 PSB songs that used to play on a local "80s oldies" radio station
- My 30 favorite PSB songs, period
- The only 3 PSB songs I don't like
- The Pet Shop Boys' studio albums in descending order of how much I love them
- My 4 least favorite PSB albums
- My 5 favorite PSB album covers
- My 5 favorite PSB single sleeves
- My 10 favorite PSB remixes
- My 10 favorite PSB b-sides
- My 5 favorite non-originals covered by PSB
- My 5 favorite PSB videos
- My 5 least favorite PSB videos
- My 7 favorite live performances of PSB songs
- Songs performed live most often by PSB
- My 5 favorite remixes by PSB of other artists' tracks
- My 8 most beautiful PSB "musical moments"
- 6 guest appearances by Neil and/or Chris in other artists' music videos (plus a few more if we stretch it)
- The 10 biggest PSB hits on the U.S. Billboard "Hot 100" singles chart
- The 10 biggest PSB hits on the U.S. Billboard dance charts
- The status of PSB in Joel Whitburn's Hot Dance/Disco 1974-2003
- The 10 most successful PSB albums on the U.S. Billboard album chart
- Peak positions of PSB singles on the Cash Box charts
- The Boys' U.S. and U.K. gold and platinum records
- The U.S. sales figures for PSB albums
- The 10 longest PSB song (or track) titles
- The 10 longest PSB album tracks (not counting bootlegs, "special editions," or Disco albums)
- The 10 longest commercially released "official" PSB remixes
- The 10 shortest PSB tracks
- How PSB singles differ (if at all) from the album versions
- Singles that weren't included on Smash and the likely reasons for their exclusion
- PSB "singles" that weren't
- Tracks for a prospective third PSB b-sides album
- PSB songs with lyrics that don't contain the title
- Songs on which Chris sings (or "speaks") lead
- Other songs in which Chris's voice can be heard
- Studio tracks on which Neil plays the guitar
- A partial list of synths/samplers and other electronic gear used by the Pet Shop Boys
- The key signatures of selected PSB songs
- Pseudonyms adopted by the Pet Shop Boys
- "Documented" officially unreleased songs written by the Pet Shop Boys
- Titles that have been mistakenly identified as unreleased songs written by PSB
- Early titles for Pet Shop Boys songs and albums
- Why PSB albums are titled what they are
- 3 PSB "Easter eggs"
- The Pet Shop Boys' appearances on Top of the Pops
- Celebrities portrayed in the "New York City Boy" video
- Nods to PSB history in the "A New Bohemia" video
- Terms and phrases coined by the Pet Shop Boys that have been adopted by writers
- My (least) favorite "PSB myths" that have been (or need to be) put to rest
- Artists with whom PSB have collaborated
- Anne Dudley's guest work on PSB recordings
- Johnny Marr's guest work on PSB recordings
- Singers who have duetted with Neil on performances of "What Have I Done to Deserve This?"
- 5 PSB songs inspired by Neil's friend Chris Dowell
- Notable guest appearances in PSB videos—plus 2 "possibilities" and 2 notable "nonappearances"
- A partial list of artists interviewed by Neil when he was with Smash Hits
- PSB songs that have been used in films and "non-musical" TV shows
- Films that have featured PSB songs
- PSB "appearances" on the U.S. TV game show Jeopardy!
- PSB songs that have been used in TV commercials
- Feature films that mention the Pet Shop Boys by name
- 10 perhaps surprising influences on the Pet Shop Boys
- PSB songs for which the Boys have acknowledged the influence of specific tracks by other pop artists
- 8 perhaps surprising influences by the Pet Shop Boys on others
- Specific songs by well-known artists that are avowedly influenced by the Pet Shop Boys
- Real people mentioned by name or title in PSB songs
- Real places mentioned by name in PSB songs
- My "baker's dozen" of favorite PSB quatrains
- Neil's 15 most memorable lyrical personae
- Songs that Neil sings avowedly using a female lyrical persona
- My all-time favorite Chris Lowe sartorial statements
- Pop songs mentioned by title in the lyrics of PSB songs
- PSB songs based on classical compositions (and a few others with "classical connections")
- PSB "cover songs" and who first recorded them
- Songs written by PSB that were inspired by AIDS (plus a few more debatable interpretations)
- What it's about: Neil's succinct statements on what a song is "about"
- PSB songs with literary references
- PSB songs that contain biblical allusions
- PSB lyrics that include non-English words or phrases
- PSB songs that they themselves apparently dislike
- The Pet Shop Boys' greatest acts of deconstruction
- PSB tracks appearing in videogames
- PSB tracks that contain samples of other artists' music
- Tracks by other artists that sample the Pet Shop Boys
- My favorite PSB mashups
- PSB songs with distinct "Beatles connections"
- 3 dance-music classics that the Boys have blended into "live" versions of their own songs
- Tracks that have been mistakenly attributed to the Pet Shop Boys on Napster, YouTube, and elsewhere
- PSB songs with "Russian connections"
- PSB/Doctor Who connections
- PSB connections to the 2012 Olympics
- Evidence that death haunts "the Fundamental era"
- The Pet Shop Boys' ten greatest "protest songs"
- Pet Shop Boys rock!
- Notorious rumors about the Pet Shop Boys
- PSB titles and lyrics that are (or may be) sly innuendos
- PSB songs with "extra lyrics"
- "Performance parodies" of the Pet Shop Boys (and some borderline cases)
- Pet Shop Boys Satire
- Tracks that mention "Pet Shop Boys"
- "Pet Shop Boys" that aren't our Pet Shop Boys
- The early tracks that the Pet Shop Boys recorded with Ray Roberts and Bobby 'O'
- Robert Christgau's grades for PSB albums
- PSB studio albums that made selected major music publications' year-end lists
- The 15 strangest things the Boys have done
- The 13 least likely subjects for pop songs that the Pet Shop Boys nevertheless turned into pop songs
- Major awards won by the Pet Shop Boys
- Fellow recipients of BPI's "Outstanding Contribution" award
- PSB Grammy nominations
- My 10 favorite PSB magazine covers
- The Pet Shop Boys' managers
- My all-time favorite one-line descriptions of the Pet Shop Boys
- My 5 favorite anagrams of "Pet Shop Boys"
- Current favorite records selected by Chris and Neil in their Literally/Annually publications
- Neil's Desert Island Discs choices
- Celebrities citing PSB tracks among their Desert Island Discs choices
- Celebrity fans of the Pet Shop Boys outside the field of music
- Fun with grammar: the parts of speech of PSB album titles
- Burning questions posed by the titles of PSB songs
- The current 10 most collectible PSB releases based on value
- The Pet Shop Boys' "Ten Commandments of Pop"
- A selection of 10 real-life reactions I've gotten from people when they've learned I'm a big PSB fan and/or I maintain a website devoted to them
All text on this website aside from direct quotations (such as of lyrics and of other nonoriginal content) is copyright © 2001-2024 by Wayne Studer. All Rights Reserved. All lyrics and images are copyright © their respective dates by their respective owners. Brief quotations and small, low-resolution images are used for identification and critical commentary, thereby constituting Fair Use under U.S. copyright law. Billboard chart data are copyright © their respective dates by Billboard Media, LLC.