Most recent updates: January 23, 2025

What This Website Is All About

This website has no "official" connection to the Pet Shop Boys. It merely presents my own personal commentary—often including attempted explanations and interpretations—on the songs of my favorite contemporary pop band. Of course, this commentary has often been influenced by what the Pet Shop Boys themselves, Chris Lowe and Neil Tennant, have said about their music and by what others have previously written. Nevertheless, many of the observations I make here are original with me.

By no means am I suggesting that these are the "only" or "correct" interpretations. In fact, it's typical of great art, even great pop art, to lend itself to multiple interpretations. It's part of what makes it great. And I do consider the Pet Shop Boys to be the creators of great pop art. So you can take or leave my interpretations as you wish. If you disagree, please don't take offense. Rather, enjoy the fact that we're both fans of music rich enough to invite different interpretations.

Despite my best efforts, I have no doubt that I'm guilty of at least some factual errors. I recognize this fact and apologize in advance for any that may have slipped past me. I'll certainly correct any errors that come to my attention.

My Current PSB Survey
The Rating Project: Most recently released PSB tracks

Please rate each of the most recent Tennant-Lowe songs (those released during the second half of 2024, since the previous ratings poll) on a scale of 0 to 10 as they compare with other PSB/Tennant-Lowe songs:

  • 0 would mean "one of the very worst they've ever done"
  • 1–4 would mean "below average for the Pet Shop Boys"
  • 5 would mean "average for the Pet Shop Boys"
  • 6–9 would mean "above average for the Pet Shop Boys"
  • 10 would mean "one of the very best they've ever done"
  • If you're not familiar with the song or would prefer not to rate it, pick "Abstain"

Before voting you may wish to take a moment to read some additional notes related to this survey.

As they compare with other PSB/Tennant-Lowe songs:

Everybody Will Dance : Abstain

All the Young Dudes : Abstain

Beauty Has Laid Siege to the City : Abstain

Adrenaline: Abstain

The Dark End of the Street : Abstain

Miserere: Abstain


Note: Because of the nature of this poll, current results aren't available. Please check back at the end of this survey (scheduled for sometime Sunday, January 26) to see the final results.


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This site was originally posted on March 16, 2001, and was most recently revised on January 23, 2025.

Honored by Yahoo! as a "Pick of the Week" (April 9, 2001)
and a "2001 Pick of the Year" (December 31, 2001)

Wayne StuderRock on the Wild SideWayne Studer is the author of Rock on the Wild Side (1994: Leyland Publications).


Golden Web Award Winner

Number of home page hits since March 16, 2001:

A note on attribution:

I don't mind when other writers, either online or elsewhere, use the ideas and information I offer here. That's one of the reason this website exists. Ideally they will cite me as the source of that information or otherwise attribute it to me. That's wonderful, and I greatly appreciate it. If they don't, however, that's unfortunate but forgivable. After all, people don't own ideas and information.

What does annoy me tremendously is when other writers use my writing more or less verbatim—often my exact wording, though sometimes with only very minor adjustments—thereby essentially quoting me, but without crediting me as the original writer. People do own the specific ways in which they express their ideas and information. If you're going to quote me, please credit me. It's the right, moral and, in fact, legal thing to do.

A note about this website being listed as "Not secure" in the URL/address bar of certain web-browsing programs:

I've decided against investing the additional time, effort, and (especially) money—an average of about $300 per year—that it would require for me to register, set up, and maintain a "secure" site (https as opposed to http). "Security" of this sort is generally important only for websites that:

I don't do any of those things. So my site really doesn't need to be "secure" in this way, particularly considering the costs involved. I hope this doesn't dissuade you from visiting.