Past PSB Survey Results - 2016 Surveys

This page presents the results of surveys I've conducted in the year 2016. The results of surveys conducted in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 , 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 appear on separate pages.

Note: The response in each survey that received the most votes is highlighted in bold red. I usually list the responses in descending order according to the number of votes, but in a few cases I've decided that the results may be clearer or more meaningful if I list them in some other order. Incidentally, I do vote in my own surveys—and, yes, I vote only once. More often than not, what I vote for doesn't come in first place. In the results below, the symbol ¤ appears after the item(s) that I voted for in each survey.

Survey 794 - Week of December 25, 2016
Most anticipated "PSB event" of 2017 (323 voters)

What anticipated "Pet Shop Boys event" are you most looking forward to in 2017?

65.0% - The expected reissue of their studio albums from Nightlife through Elysium with "Further Listening" bonus discs ¤
16.7% - Their April charity "orchestral show" at the Royal Albert Hall with Johnny Marr
11.8% - One or more of the shows on the 2017 continuation of their Super Tour
06.5% - Something else not listed here*

*Other (presumably) anticipated events suggested by voters include:

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Survey 793 - Week of December 18, 2016
Your "PSB highlight" of 2016 (395 voters)

If you had to choose only one, what has been your own personal "Pet Shop Boys highlight" for the year 2016?

47.6% - Their new album Super ¤
19.0% - One or more of their "Inner Sanctum" shows at the Royal Opera House
11.9% - One or more of their Super Tour shows
09.6% - Their "Brick England" collaboration with Jean-Michel Jarre
05.1% - The single "The Pop Kids" with its bonus tracks
03.5% - Something else not listed here*
01.5% - The single "Say It to Me" with its bonus tracks
01.3% - The official music video for "Twenty-something"
00.5% - The single "Twenty-something" with its bonus tracks

*Among the other highlights of 2016 suggested by voters:

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Survey 792 - Week of December 11, 2016
Ever given or received a PSB-related gift? (285 voters)

Have you ever given or received a Pet Shop Boys-related item as a gift for Christmas or any other holiday culturally associated with gift-giving? For that matter, have you ever given or received a PSB-related gift when it didn't have anything to do with a holiday? (Select all that apply.)

Please note that because voters could make more than one choice (unless they picked the "No" option), the percentages total to more than 100%.

46.7% - Yes, I have received one or more PSB-related gifts for Christmas or other gift-giving holiday. ¤
34.4% - No, I've never either given or received a PSB-related gift at any time.
26.7% - Yes, I have received one or more PSB-related gifts when it had nothing to do with a holiday. ¤
23.2% - Yes, I have given one or more PSB-related gifts when it had nothing to do with a holiday. ¤
20.7% - Yes, I have given one or more PSB-related gifts for Christmas or other gift-giving holiday. ¤

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Survey 791 - Week of December 4, 2016
Time for another PSB Christmas song? (308 voters)

Do you think the Pet Shop Boys ought to record and release another Christmas song at some point in the not-too-distant future (such as, say, next year)?

50.0% - "No—been there, done that, no point in them doing it again."
21.8% - "Yes, as long as it's a new, original song tha they wrote themselves as opposed to a cover of an older Christmas song."
21.4% - "Yes, and either a new, original Christmas song of their own or a cover of an older Christmas song would be equally acceptable to me." ¤*
05.2% - "Yes. In fact, I want them to put out an entire Christmas album—mostly covers of older Christmas songs, but with at least one or two new original songs that they wrote themselves."
01.6% - "Yes, as long as it's a cover of an older Christmas song as opposed to one that they wrote themselves."

*Regarding my own vote, while I'm certainly not itching for a new PSB Christmas release, I just as certainly wouldn't mind one. If the Boys had never written and released "It Doesn't Often Snow at Christmas," I would definitely prefer a new original PSB-written Christmas number. But since they have already written and released one original Christmas song, then as much as I would love another (I always welcome the prospect of a new Tennant-Lowe original), I would be equally intrigued to hear their take on a Christmas classic—giving it the "PSB treatment," so to speak.

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Survey 790 - Week of November 27, 2016
Should PSB time album releases with the holiday season? (329 voters)

Do you think the Pet Shop Boys should time their album releases more in keeping with the Christmas/holiday shopping and gift-giving season in order to maximize their sales?

46.5% - "I really don't care what time of year their albums are released. They should just release them whenever they see fit." ¤
19.1% - "I don't suppose it could hurt, but I doubt that it would make a significant difference in their album sales."
13.1% - "No, I think PSB albums would then just get 'lost in the shuffle.'"
12.8% - "No, I think that would be too obviously crass and commercialistic of them."
06.1% - "Yes, I think that would be a very smart thing to do!"
02.4% - "I have a very different opinion about this from any of those described above."*

*Among the alternate viewpoints shared by voters:

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Survey 789 - Week of November 20, 2016
PSB "greatest song" as judged by different groups (326 voters)

Imagine at some future point that the career of the Pet Shop Boys has just recently come to an end (for whatever reason). Which song—at least of those they've recorded so far—do you think will be looked back on most often as their greatest song (1) by the general public, (2) by their hardcore fan base, (3) by their fellow musicians, and (4) by "knowledgeable critics" (those sufficiently familiar with them to make an intelligent choice)? Please make one choice for each category/column, for a total of four choices. (Note that the percentage totals in each group don't add up to 100% because some voters abstained from voting in certain categories.)

By the general public:

82.8% - West End Girls ¤
12.3% - It's a Sin
03.7% - Some other song*
00.3% - Rent

By hardcore PSB fans:

64.4% - Being Boring ¤
15.0% - Left to My Own Devices
08.0% - It's a Sin
04.9% - West End Girls
04.0% - Some other song*
01.8% - Rent
01.2% - Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money)

By their fellow musicians:

33.7% - Being Boring
17.8% - West End Girls
16.9% - It's a Sin ¤
16.0% - Left to My Own Devices
07.1% - Some other song*
05.5% - Rent
01.2% - Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money)

By knowledgeable critics:

49.7% - Being Boring ¤
14.4% - West End Girls
14.1% - Left to My Own Devices
09.5% - It's a Sin
05.8% - Some other song*
02.5% - Rent
01.8% - Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money)

*Among the other "greatest songs" suggested by voters:

By the general public:

  • Always on My Mind
  • Go West

By their fellow musicians:

  • A Red Letter Day

No voters called out any specific "other songs" for hardcore fans or for critics.

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Survey 788 - Week of November 13, 2016
Preference for U2 or Springsteen to "return the favor" (332 voters)

As you know, the Pet Shop Boys have famously covered songs by a pair of "rock icons": U2's "Where the Streets Have No Name" and Bruce Springsteen's "The Last to Die." So that has made me wonder, if either U2 or Bruce Springsteen were to "return the favor," so to speak, by covering a Pet Shop Boys song, whom would you prefer to do so, and what "type" of PSB song would you most want them to cover?

28.6% - "I wouldn't want either of them to cover any PSB song!"*
Cover a PSB hit single
Cover a PSB non-single album track
18.7% ¤
Cover a PSB b-side or other "obscurity"

*Personally, I find this a most curious choice to come out on top in this poll. After all, a PSB cover by either U2 or Bruce Springsteen would provide the Boys with greater exposure, enhance their "cred" as respected songwriters, possibly win them at least a few new fans, and—not the least among the likely benefits—provide them with additional income.

Among the specific PSB songs that voters suggested Springsteen might cover:

  • Birthday Boy
  • Heart
  • Hit and Miss
  • How I Learned to Hate Rock and Roll (a vote for "tongue-in-cheek irony")
  • I Get Along
  • It's a Sin
  • King of Rome
  • Love Is a Catastrophe
  • One in a Million
  • Rent
  • This Must Be the Place I Waited Years to Leave
  • Vocal
  • The Way It Used to Be

Curiously (again), although U2 clearly edged out Springsteen among the voters, far fewer of those voters suggested specific PSB covers for U2:

  • Love Comes Quickly
  • Love Is a Catastrophe

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Survey 787 - Week of November 6, 2016
Would you buy "classic" PSB vinyl re-releases? (340 voters)

If any of the "classic" Pet Shop Boys albums were to be re-released in vinyl format, would you buy any of them? (This is assuming they don't have any unique bonus features, such as previously unreleased tracks.)

48.2% - No, despite the fact that I don't own any or all of the original vinyl releases, I'm not interested in buying any new vinyl releases, period. ¤
13.8% - Yes, I would buy any for which I don't already own the original vinyl release, but not those that I already own in vinyl format.
11.5% - Yes, I might buy one that's my favorite or one as a "collector's item," regardless of whether I already own the original vinyl release, but no more than that.
09.4% - No, since I already own all the original vinyl releases, I see no reason to buy any vinyl re-releases.
08.8% - Yes, I'd buy any and all that were re-released, despite the fact that I already own the original vinyl releases!
05.6% - I'm not sure and/or I have mixed feelings about it.
02.6% - I have a very different opinion from any of those listed above.*

*Among the additional opinions offered:

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Survey 786 - Week of October 30, 2016
Opinions on Chris not providing live vocals lately (351 voters)

Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing how you feel about Chris not performing any live vocals in their recent concert tours (both the Electric Tour and the current Super Tour)?

47.6% - I would certainly like for Chris to perform some vocals in their live shows, but if he doesn't want to, then I completely respect his decision not to. ¤
22.2% - I like the fact that Chris generally doesn't perform live vocals. That's what makes so special the rare instances when he does so!
18.2% - I really don't care about it one way or the other.
07.7% - Despite the fact that he may not want to, I think Chris owes it to the fans to perform at least some vocals during their live shows.
02.3% - I'm OK with Chris not performing live vocals. In fact, I personally prefer if he didn't.
01.1% - I have a very different opinion from any of those described here.*
00.9% - I have very mixed feelings about it.

*I really wasn't able to discern any significantly "different opinions" from the comments offered by a few of the voters, although one voter did write, "He doesn't even need to sing. I enjoyed the little dance in the Pandemonium concert but if just wants to stand behind his keyboard, that's fine by me so long as we have him there." Maybe that qualifies.

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Survey 785 - Week of October 23, 2016
Neil: great lyricist, great poet, both, or neither? (310 voters)

Which of the following statements comes closest to describing how you feel about Neil Tennant both as a lyricist and as a poet?

47.7% - I consider him a great lyricist, but not a great poet. ¤*
41.9% - I consider him both a great lyricist and a great poet!
07.4% - I don't feel qualified to make a judgment on this subject.
02.9% - I don't consider him either a great lyricist or a great poet.
00.0% - I consider him a great poet, but not a great lyricist.

*I could explain my own (and probably many others') viewpoint on this matter at some length, but I'll simply summarize it as follows – A great lyricist isn't necessarily a great poet, just as a great poet wouldn't necessarily be a great lyricist. The two arts and skills are related, but not identical. Neil is undoubtedly a great lyricist—in fact, one of the greatest of his generation—but the power and impact of his lyrics are substantially reduced without the accompaniment of the music for and/or with which they were composed. To put it another way, when I think of "great poets," I think of people like William Shakespeare, John Milton, Walt Whitman, William Butler Yeats, T.S. Eliot, and Robert Frost. When I think of "great lyricists," I think of Ira Gershwin, Cole Porter, Oscar Hammerstein II, Stephen Sondheim, Hal David, and Randy Newman. I believe Neil fits in perfectly with the second group—not the first.

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Survey 784 - Week of October 16, 2016
Attending any Super Tour shows? (374 voters)

Are you planning to attend (or, in the case of a few of the earliest shows, have you already attended) any of the shows on the Pet Shop Boys' 2016-2017 Super Tour? If not, why not?

46.5% - Yes! ¤
27.5% - No, because none of the dates and/or locations announced so far are feasible or convenient for me.
06.1% - No, because I attended one or more of their recent Royal Opera House shows, and figure that's enough.
05.6% - No, because of financial considerations. (I just can't afford it right now.)
05.6% - No, because I really don't care much for live shows in general.
05.3% - No, for some other reason not listed here.*
02.7% - No, because I've gone to one or more of their other tour shows over the past few years, and that's enough for me, at least for the time being.
00.5% - No, because I didn't enjoy the last PSB show I attended.

*Among the other reasons offered by some voters for not planning to attend:

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Survey 783 - Week of October 9, 2016
Preferences for source of next PSB single (409 voters)

What would be your preference with regard to the next Pet Shop Boys single?

36.2% - They should release another track from Super as a single.
35.7% - They should release a "non-album" single (as they've done several times in the past). ¤*
15.2% - Their next single should come from their next studio album.
06.8% - I really don't care about this one way or the other
02.9% - They shouldn't bother releasing any more singles from now on.
02.7% - They should reach back into their past catalogue and release an older track as a single.
0.05% - I have a different opinion from any of those listed here.**

*I voted this way despite the fact that I do think "Burn" would be a fantastic dance single and would love to see it released as such—a view shared by quite a few other voters, at least judging by the comments they left. ("Undertow" was also specifically cited several times by voters.) So why didn't I vote that way? I'm really not sure. Sometimes I simply confound myself.

**It's hard for me to tell for sure which comments offered by voters came from those who chose this "different opinion" option, but among the alternate viewpoints provided were:

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Survey 782 - Week of October 2, 2016
The Rating Project: Miscellaneous recent songs (305 voters)

Please rate each of the bonus songs on the Pet Shop Boys' two most recent singles (plus their collaboration with Jean-Michel Jarre and one other track I've previously overlooked) on a scale of 0 to 10 as they compare with other PSB songs (0 = "one of the worst PSB songs ever"; 5 = "an average PSB song"; 10 = "one of the very best PSB songs ever").

Track (Listed from Highest Average Rating to Lowest) Average
% of
% of
Rating ¤
Brick England 7.655 15.4% 0.0% 9 7
Wiedersehen 6.019 6.0% 1.5% 7 5
A Cloud in a Box 6.011 5.3% 1.1% 5 4
The Dead Can Dance 5.447 0.8% 1.9% 5 3
The White Dress 5.154 1.5% 0.8% 5 2
Oppressive (The Best Gay Possible) 4.466 2.6% 10.9% 5* 6

*Actually, the "most frequent rating" for "Oppressive" was "abstain"; roughly one-third of the voters didn't assign any rating to that track. But of those who did rate it, a rating of 5 was most common.

To see where these tracks fall in relation to other songs in the PSB catalog, please visit the overall "Rating Project" page.

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Survey 781 - Week of September 25, 2016
"West End Girls" – Bobby O vs. Stephen Hague (345 voters)

Of all the radio stations that I listen to on a regular basis, only one—the Sirius/XM station 1st Wave—plays Pet Shop Boys songs with any great frequency. Interestingly, when they play "West End Girls," they play the original Bobby O-produced version of it more often than the much bigger hit version produced by Stephen Hague. It must be that somebody at 1st Wave prefers the Bobby O version. So that makes me wonder— Which single version of "West End Girls" do you prefer: the original 1984 Bobby O-produced single, or the 1985 big hit single version produced by Stephen Hague?

73.3% - I much prefer the Stephen Hague version! ¤*
13.0% - It's close, but I think I prefer the Stephen Hague version.
04.6% - I don't know or can't say (for whatever reason).
03.5% - I much prefer the Bobby O version!
03.2% - It's a toss-up – I like them both equally.
02.3% - It's close, but I think I prefer the Bobby O version.

*As I stated in some notes accompanying this poll, I had little if any doubt that this choice would come out on top. After all, it was the Stephen Hague version that became an international #1 hit, a testament to its popularity. What truly interested me, however, was the margin of its likely victory. I guessed the final figure would be between 75% and 80%, so it turns out I wasn't off by much.

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Survey 780 - Week of September 18, 2016
Imaginary post-PSB scenarios for Chris and Neil (329 voters)

As documented in Pet Shop Boys: A Life in Pop, at one self-described "low point" in their career (apparently sometime during the 1999s), Neil had asked Chris whether they ought to call it quits. Chris didn't reply, so Neil simply changed the subject. And that was that. So – thank goodness – the Pet Shop Boys continued making music together. But now let's imagine a parallel universe in which Chris had replied that, yes, they should indeed call it quits. Which of the following do you believe would have been at that point (starting in the 1990s), in this unfortunate alternate reality, the most likely post-PSB scenarios for Neil and Chris? (Please make one choice for Neil and one for Chris.)


57.8% - Chris would have adopted a behind-the scenes role in the music industry—for instance, as a songwriter and/or producer. ¤*
18.8% - Chris would have quit the music business altogether and pursued something else (including the prospect of "retirement")
15.4% - Chris would have found one or more new collaborators and formed a new duo or band.
05.8% - Chris would have done something else not listed here.**
02.2% - Chris would have continued as a solo artist.


32.4% - Neil would have adopted a behind-the scenes role in the music industry—for instance, as a songwriter and/or producer. ¤*
32.4% - Neil would have continued as a solo artist.

19.0% - Neil would have found one or more new collaborators and formed a new duo or band.
10.4% - Neil would have quit the music business altogether and pursued something else (including the prospect of "retirement")
05.8% - Neil would have done something else not listed here.**

*Regarding my own votes, I do believe this would have been the most likely scenario for both of them, although Neil, as indicated by his very "upfront" collaborations with Electronic, among others, would probably have been the more likely of the two either to have formed a new duo or band. I almost went with that choice for Neil, but ultimately decided that a primarily behind-the-scenes role (with only the occasional "step-back-forward" into the spotlight) was most likely for him as well.

**Although quite a few voters selected these "something else" options, I had difficulty discerning much of anything truly "different" among the comments some offered. A couple of them suggested that Chris might have gone back into architecture and/or design, but I believe that falls under the "quit the music business and pursued something else" category.

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Survey 779 - Week of September 11, 2016
Three favorite long-form PSB video releases (378 voters)

Please choose your three favorite official Pet Shop Boys long-form video/DVD releases.

Note that because voters could make up to three choices, the percentages total to more than 100%.

48.1% - Performance ¤
46.3% - Pet Shop Boys: A Life in Pop ¤
42.6% - PopArt
28.3% - Pandemonium
25.7% - DiscoVery - Live in Rio
19.8% - It Couldn't Happen Here
14.3% - Montage
13.5% - Cubism
10.1% - Somewhere
06.9% - Highlights - Pet Shop Boys on Tour
06.9% - Ultimate
06.1% - Television
05.8% - Videography
02.4% - Various
02.1% - Showbusiness
01.1% - Projections
01.1% - Promotion

*I don't know why, but I'm actually a bit surprised that the three top choices among voters should coincide precisely with my own picks. Incidentally, while I had no trouble at all picking my top two—Pet Shop Boys: A Life in Pop (there's a freely admitted personal bias at work there) and Performance (my all-time favorite PSB live show, even if I never got to see it myself in person)—I had to struggle a bit choosing between PopArt and Ultimate.

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Survey 778 - Week of September 4, 2016
How about a "dark techno" PSB album? (388 voters)

There has been talk—only talk as far as we know—stemming from a passing comment Chris made in the most recent issue of Literally, that the next Pet Shop Boys album ought to be "techno" in style. Other comments the Boys made also indicate that they've recently written a number of "dark" songs waiting for release. So some fans have been speculating about the possibility of a "dark techno" album. Which of the following statements comes closest to describing how you feel about the prospect of a "dark techno" PSB album?

49.2% - "I think it would be great! I hope they do it!"
17.0% - "It's a good idea, but really no better than a number of otehr things they might do."
16.5% - "'Dark techno'? I'm not even sure what that means."
05.2% - "It's a terrible idea! I hope they don't do it!"
04.9% - "I have no feelings about it one way or the other."
03.4% - "I have very mixed feelings about it." ¤*
03.1% - "I don't think it's a very good idea. But I suppose they could do worse."
00.8% - "I have a very different opinion from any of those described above."**

*I can summarize my own mixed feelings as follows: while the prospect of a "dark techno" PSB album strikes me as intriguing, I don't want the Boys to deviate too much from the styles of pop music at which they excel and that have helped make them great. An entire dark techno albums sounds like a big gamble to me—and, besides, not very appealing on a strictly pesonal level. I might feel better about a more "traditional" album with several dark techno tracks. But, then again, I trust the Boys' talent and judgment well enough to be confident that, whatever they do, in whatever style, it will end up being very, very good. I think they have too much talent, taste, and self-respect to release anything less.

**Among the alternate opinions shared by voters were:

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Survey 777 - Week of August 28, 2016
How many PSB songs don't you like? (360 voters)

How many Pet Shop Boys songs can you honestly say that you don't like? (If you're not sure, what is your best estimate? Note that this question refers to the songs themselves, not specific remixes or versions of songs.)

28.3% - Four to six
21.7% - Two or three ¤*
16.1% - Seven to ten
13.1% - More than 10 but no more than 20
07.2% - More than 20 but no more than 30
06.4% - None! I like every PSB song that I've ever heard!
04.7% - Just one
02.5% - More than 30

*One of my lists details the three PSB songs I don't like.

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Survey 776 - Week of August 21, 2016
Feelings about "Say It to Me" as the next single (385 voters)

Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing how you feel about the choice of "Say It to Me" as the next single from Super?

36.9% - "It's a good choice, but not the one I would have picked myself." ¤*
33.5% - "It's an excellent choice—the one I would have picked myself!"
09.1% - "It's not a good choice."
05.7% - "I have mixed feelings about it."
05.7% - "I have no feelings about this one way or the other."
04.2% - "I prefer to reserve judgment until I've heard the remixes."
03.9% - "It's a terrible choice!"
01.0% - "I have a very different opinion from any of those expressed above."**

*I personally would prefer "Burn" as the next single because I believe it would have a better chance of being a major dance-club hit. But "Say It to Me" would be a close second in my book, so I still think it's a good choice. Several other voters also felt that "Burn" would have been a better next single, although I get the very strong sense from the comments left by voters that even more would have preferred "Undertow."

**I wasn't able, however,to discern any significantly different opinions among the comments left by voters.

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Survey 775 - Week of August 14, 2016
Should they boycott Russia? (376 voters)

It has been suggested by one of my site visitors that the Pet Shop Boys should boycott Russia (such as by not having any upcoming concerts there) on account of the government's anti-LGBT attitudes and legislation. Do you believe they should boycott Russia in this way?

47.9% - No ¤*
26.1% - I'm not sure / I have mixed feelings
19.1% - Yes
06.9% - I don't care

*My own opinion about this, which appears to be shared my many of the other voters who picked "No," is that boycotting Russia would do nothing to penalize or educate the main sources of the problem—the government and church—while at the same time severely penalizing the Boys' fans in Russia, the large majority of whom are most likely not part of the problem. In fact, by performing in Russia, PSB might conceivably help to improve circumstances for its LGBT citizens. So I personally don't believe a boycott would be beneficial in any way.

I would be remiss, however, not to point out that at least some of the voters who choose "Yes" said that they want PSB to boycott Russia, though not (or at least not only) because of the government's anti-LGBT policies. Rather, they had other grievances against the Russian government, such as (among other things) its occupation of Crimea. Another voter spoke in favor of a boycott only if it were part of a larger movement by other artists—that a PSB "solo boycott" would be pointless.

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Survey 774 - Week of August 7, 2016
PSB music at weddings and funerals (280 voters)

Weddings and funerals are of course two of the most important major ceremonial events we ever experience. Has music by the Pet Shop Boys played, or would you want it to be played, at these events in your own personal experience? (Please check all that apply.)

Because voters could make more than one selection, the percentages total to more than 100%.

56.1% - Yes, I would very much like for PSB music to be played at my funeral.
34.3% - No, I haven't heard PSB music played at any weddings or funerals, nor would I want it to be played at my own wedding or funeral. ¤*
19.6% - Yes, PSB music was played at my own weding (during the service itself, regardless of whether it was played at the reception afterward, which doesn't count)—or, if I were to get married, I would very much want PSB music to be played during the service.
03.9% - Yes, PSB music was played during someone else's wedding ceremony tht I attended (during the service itself, regardless of whther it was played at the reception afterward, which doesn't count).
01.4% - Yes, PSB music was played at a funeral service that I attended.

*Surprised at my own choice? Would you suppose that someone who's apparently as much a "PSB fanatic" as I am wouldn't want their music played during my wedding (it wasn't) or funeral (I wouldn't want it to be)? I'm afraid I'm very traditional about such ceremonies. I consider weddings and funerals to be highly religious occasions, and I prefer the music to be similarly religious, or at least very "traditional," such as a classical piece. There's a proper time and place for everything. This isn't to disparage the Pet Shop Boys' music in any way. Incidentally, I wouldn't have any qualms whatsoever about PSB music playing during my wedding reception after the service. But our own wedding reception, like the our wedding itself, was a very simple affair with a relatively small number of guests. There wasn't any music at all during our reception. If we'd had a big wedding, with dancing after the service, PSB music would undoubtedly have been played during the reception. In fact, I would have insisted on it.

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Survey 773 - Week of July 31, 2016
Feelings about literary/historical allusions in PSB lyrics (378 voters)

As documented here on this website and elsewhere, Pet Shop Boys lyrics are particularly rich in literary and historical references and allusions. Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing your own opinion about this aspect of their lyrics?

90.2% - I love the fact that PSB lyrics contain a lot of literary and historical references! It's one of the exceptional things about them; it makes them stand out from the crowd. ¤
05.0% - I really have no opinion about this.
01.9% - Actually, I disagree with the premise of the question. I don't think PSB lyrics are any richer in literary and historical references than most other lyrics.
01.6% - I wish their lyrics didn't contain so many literary and historical references. It makes their lyrics difficult to understand and adversely affects their popularity.
01.3% - I have a very different opinion from any of those expressed here.*

*Among the alternate opinions shared by some of the voters:

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Survey 772 - Week of July 24, 2016
Degree of agreement on a fan opinion of most recent PSB albums (417 voters)

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement, which was shared with me recently by a regular site visitor (who in this case has asked to remain anonymous)?

"While the latest Pet Shop Boys albums produced by Stuart Price (Electric and Super) have been highly proficient, enjoyable, and even exciting, they seem to lack something—perhaps it's something akin to depth—that would give them 'legs.' After an initial infatuation, I've quickly grown tired of them and feel little desire to go back and listen to them time and time again, the way I do with other PSB albums. Older PSB albums, even those as recent as Fundamental and Yes, have a more timeless quality that makes them endlessly enjoyable. Maybe it's too soon to tell, but I think the latest albums are lacking this."

24.2% - I have very mixed feelings about this ¤*
22.8% - I agree
21.1% - I disagree
16.3% - I strongly disagree
13.9% - I strongly agree
01.7% - I have no feelings about this one way or the other

*My own feelings are "mixed" in that I more or less agree with the statement when it comes to Electric, the only track from which I nowadays listen to "again and again" on a regular basis is "Vocal." But I don't so much agree with it when it comes to Super, of which I'm quite a bit fonder and most of which I still listen to on a fairly regular basis. Then again, I do like most older PSB albums more than either of them. Quite a few other voters described other ways in which their feelings are "mixed," but I won't try to list them here.

Incidentally, note that the results of this poll form a bell curve, a fact that surely doesn't surprise those of you who are familiar with statistical analysis.

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Survey 771 - Week of July 17, 2016
Future collaborations with Jarre? (308 voters)

In light of "Brick England," the Pet Shop Boys' recent collaboration with Jean-Michel Jarre, which of the following statements comes closest to expressing how you feel about the possibility of further PSB-Jarre collaborations in the future?

30.8% - "I would be in favor of one or more future PSB-Jarre collaborations, but not a lot of them, and I wouldn't want Jarre to produce an entire PSB album."
26.6% - "I would like for PSB to collaborate more with Jarre in the future. In fact, I would like for Jarre to serve as the producer of an upcoming PSB album!"
26.0% - "I think 'Brick England' is OK, but I wouldn't want any further PSB-Jarre collaborations in the future." ¤*
13.0% - "I really have no feelings about this one way or the other, and/or I can't say because I'm not familiar with 'Brick England' or with Jarre himself."
01.9% - "I don't want any future PSB-Jarre collaborations. In fact, I wish they hadn't collaborated on 'Brick England'!"
01.6% - "I have an opinion very different from ay of those described above."**

*Regarding my own opinion, I actually think "Brick England" is more than just "OK"—I think it's superb. Nevertheless, I'm not particularly interested in the Boys pursuing any further collaborations with Jarre in the future. Been there, done that, move on.

**The only "alternate" viewpoint I received that really struck me as substantively different was one voter who said that he felt unable to make a choice without knowing more about the details of the collaborative process for "Brick England." As he stated, "It would concern me that further collaborations might not be quite that good depending on how much influence each party had on the other. I don't think their styles and approach would necessarily mesh."

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Survey 770 - Week of July 10, 2016
The most "representative" PSB song for an imaginary scenario (380 voters)

An imaginary scenario for your consideration – The noted astrophysicist, astronomer, and aesthete Dr. Agonistes Ursaminor of the International Space Federation is putting together a large digital drive—which the Federation will launch into deep space, perhaps even beyond our galaxy—containing a "representative" piece of music by each of more than 10,000 artists from cultures around the world, throughout history, and from various genres: classical, pop, rock, jazz, blues, country, folk, and so on. Each artist will have only a single recording no more than ten minutes in length to represent him, her, or them. Fortunately, being a Pet Shop Boys fan himself, Dr. Ursaminor has made sure that our musical heroes will be included. He has already narrowed down the selection of what he considers "representative" PSB tracks to the following ten, although they're not necessarily his own personal favorites. But now he finds himself in a quandary. He's terribly torn among these ten and can't decide on the final one. So he wants a group of PSB experts—that's you!—to decide for him by popular vote. Which of Dr. Ursaminor's ten "PSB picks" do you believe he should include on this "space drive" to represent the Pet Shop Boys and their contribution to Earth culture?

21.8% - Being Boring ¤
21.6% - Left to My Own Devices
18.9% - West End Girls
16.3% - It's a Sin
06.3% - Can You Forgive Her?
04.5% - Always on My Mind
03.4% - "I'm sorry, Dr. Ursaminor, but your selection has left out what I consider the single most representative PSB song of them all, so I simply can't vote for any of your ten choices!"*
02.4% - A Red Letter Day
01.8% - Integral
01.6% - Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money)
01.3% - Go West

*Among the alternate choices suggested by voters were:

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Survey 769 - Week of July 3, 2016
On Neil's statement about PSB becoming "electronic purists" (333 voters)

In talking about the Pet Shop Boys' most recent albums, Electric and Super, Neil has said, "We've become electronic purists." Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing how you feel about what he said?

40.8% - "I think Neil was being a bit facetious. He probably meant it as something of a joke or an intentional exaggeration." ¤
23.7% - "I like that they've become 'electronic purists,' but only as a temporary or sporadic thing. I still want them sometimes to create 'non-electronic' or 'less pure' electronic music."
11.7% - "I like that they've become 'electronic purists,' and I hope they stay that way!"
10.5% - "I have no feelings about this one way or the other."
07.5% - "I don't like that they've become 'electronic purists,' and I hope they soon return to making more 'non-electronic' (or at least 'less pure" electronic) music."
05.4% - "I disagree with the premise of the statement. I don't hink PSB have become 'electronic purists.'"
00.3% - "I have a very different opinion from any of those expressed above."

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Survey 768 - Week of June 26, 2016
PSB albums owned on vinyl—and "bonus" opinions (381 voters)

Which of the following Pet Shop Boys albums do you own in vinyl (LP) format?* (Please choose all that apply.)

*I listed all of the official PSB albums—even those that, as far as I know, have never been released on vinyl, just to make sure I didn't miss any. Sure enough, every single album was chosen by somebody. Of course, the percentages below total to considerably more than 100% because voters could make multiple selections.

43.6% - Introspective ¤
42.8% - Please ¤*
42.3% - Actually ¤
36.0% - Disco ¤
31.8% - Behaviour
27.6% - Super
26.4% - Electric
24.4% - Elysium
23.6% - Yes
19.7% - Disco 3
17.3% - Very
16.0% - Fundamental
13.6% - Nightlife
13.4% - PopArt
13.1% - Discography
13.1% - Disco 4
11.3% - Release
10.8% - Bilingual
10.5% - Alternative ¤
10.0% - Disco 2
08.9% - Relentless
05.2% - The Most Incredible Thing
02.6% - Pandemonium
01.3% - Format
01.0% - Closer to Heaven
01.0% - Concrete
01.0% - Ultimate
00.5% - Battleship Potemkin

Bonus question: Which of following statements do you agree with, at least with regard to PSB releases in vinyl format? (Again, please choose all that apply.)

33.6% - "I don't own any PSB albums in vinyl format."
28.6% - "I think vinyl is here to stay, and we can expect all future PSB albums to be released in vinyl format." ¤
23.1% - "I personally think it's rather silly to buy vinyl albums in this day and age, except perhaps as a collector's item that you'll never actually listen to." ¤**
21.8% - "I bought one or more early PSB albums in vinyl forat before CDs really 'took off,' but no more PSB albums in vinyl format since then."
12.6% - "I genuinely believe that vinyl is the best-sounding format for listening to music."
10.2% - "I think the recent resurgence in vinyl is a fad, and I don't expect it to last much longer."
02.6% - "I don't own any early PSB albums in vinyl format, but I have bought some of their more recent vinyl releases in the wake of the recent resurgence in vinyl."

*Regarding my own history of buying PSB albums on vinyl – The first PSB albums I bought were Discography and then Very (with Relentless) on CD. I then decided to check out other PSB albums, but did so first via used vinyl copies, which I could pick up very inexpensively at local record shops. So I bought Please, Disco, Actually, and Introspective as used vinyl LPs. I loved them, so I then went ahead and bought them on CD as well. (I also picked up a copy of Behaviour on CD without ever going through the "vinyl checkout stage" first.) When the opportunity arose for me to buy a vinyl copy of Alternative as a "collector's item," I went ahead and did so. That's the extent of my collection of PSB albums on vinyl—although I do own quite a few other vinyl single releases (7-inch and 12-inch) as well.

**I chose this 'I personally think it's silly' option quite early in the voting. But by the end of this poll, after having read voters' comments, I came to view the matter differently, and my opinion changed. So if I were voting now, I wouldn't make that choice.

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Survey 767 - Week of June 19, 2016
The albums your opinions of which have most changed (325 voters)

Of which Pet Shop Boys studio album has your opinion changed the most for the better since it was first released or you first heard it (that is, your opinion of it has improved the most)? And of which has your opinion changed the most for the worse (that is, your opinion of it has "deteriorated" the most)?

Note: The totals in each column don't add up to 100% because voters could choose not to vote in one column or the other, while the percentage figures are still based on the total number of voters overall.

Opinion most changed
for the better:

17.8% - Behaviour
12.9% - Bilingual ¤
11.4% - Elysium
10.5% - Fundamental
07.1% - Release
05.8% - Please
05.8% - Very
05.5% - Introspective
05.2% - Yes
04.9% - Nightlife
04.9% - Super
03.6% - Actually
01.2% - Electric

Opinion most changed
for the worse:

16.0% - Nightlife ¤
12.9% - Release
10.2% - Elysium
09.5% - Yes
09.5% - Electric
08.3% - Fundamental
05.5% - Bilingual
05.2% - Very
04.9% - Super
02.2% - Introspective
01.5% - Behaviour
01.2% - Actually
00.6% - Please

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Survey 766 - Week of June 12, 2016
The graphic design/cover of Super (418 voters)

Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing your opinion of the artwork/graphics—primarily the cover—of the Pet Shop Boys' most recent album, Super?

32.8% - "It's good—not among their best, but still quite attractive and effective." ¤
21.5% - "It's rather 'blah' if you ask me (and you did)—not awful by any means, but somewhat dull and uninteresting."
20.1% - "It's OK—not bad, but not particularly good, either."
12.4% - "It's terrible—some of their poorest album artwork yet!"
07.9% - "It's superb—some of their finest album artwork yet!"
03.1% - "I have very mixed feelings about it."
01.4% - "I really have no opinion about it one way or the other."
00.7% - "I have a very different opinion from any of those expressed here."*

*Among the alternate opinions shared by voters:

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Survey 765 - Week of June 5, 2016
The new design of the official PSB website (346 voters)

What do you think of the new desgn of the Pet Shop Boys' official website?

34.1% - "It's OK, but I really can't say that I like it more or less than the old one."
25.7% - "I don't like it quite as much as the old one."
16.8% - "I like it a little more than the old one." ¤
12.7% - "I love it!"
06.1% - "I dislike it intensely!"
04.0% - "I have no feelings abougt it one way or the other (for whatever reason)."
00.6% - "I have an opinion very different from any of those expressed above."*

*Among the alternate opinions shared by voters:

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Survey 764 - Week of May 29, 2016
Would a name other than "Pet Shop Boys" made a difference? (333 voters)

Do you think the Pet Shop Boys would have been even more popular and/or more successful in their commercial career overall if they had chosen a different name for their duo? What about right now as opposed to throughout most of their career? Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing your views about this?

70.0% - "No, I don't think it would've made any difference if they had chosen a different name."
09.6% - "It might have made a difference in some countries (such as the United States), but probably not in the U.K. and most of the rest of the world."
07.8% - "I don't think it would've made much difference for most of their career but, yes, they might be more popular right now if, for instance, they had chosen a more 'age-neutral' name than something with the word 'Boys' in it."
06.0% - "I think they would've been even more popular and successful for most of their career with a different name, although ageism would probably greatly limit their success right now regardless of what they called themselves." ¤*
03.9% - "I have a very different opinion from any of those expressed here."**
02.7% - "I think a different name would've made them even more popular and successful throughout their career, and might very likely have helped ensure their continued success even today."

*My own rationale for making this choice is that I believe a different name might have encouraged much of their potential audience to take them more seriously as artists—particularly as songwriters.

**Among the different opinions shared by voters:

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Survey 763 - Week of May 22, 2016
Buying "Brick England"? And what do you think of it? (366 voters)

Which of the following statements are true for you with regard to "Brick England," the Pet Shop Boys' recent collaboration with Jean-Michel Jarre? (Please select all that apply.)*

*Note that because voters could make more than one selection, the percentages below for the first question on purchasing the track total to more than 100%.

On purchasing the track:

35.5% - "I'm not planning on buying the album."
27.9% - "I've bought the track 'Brick England' as a digital download (or I'm planning on it)."
22.1% - "I've already bought the album on which it appears, Jarre's Electronica 2: The Heart of Noise." ¤
21.9% - "I've been streaming 'Brick England' using a subscription streaming service."
08.7% - "I haven't bought the album yet, but I'm planning on it."

Opinions of the track:

40.7% - "I think it's a good track—not truly 'great,' but definitely good." ¤
30.6% - "I think it's a great track—right up there with the best of PSB!"
12.6% - "I think it's an OK track—not bad, but nothing to get excited about."
10.9% - "I haven't heard it yet."
02.5% - "I don't think it's a very good track."
00.8% - "I think it's terrible!"
00.0% - "I have very mixed feelings about it."

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Survey 762 - Week of May 15, 2016
Ratings the "Twenty-something" music videos (392 voters)

Please rate the new music video for the Pet Shop Boys' next single "Twenty-something" on a scale of 1 to 5 as it compares to other PSB music videos (as opposed to how it compares with other artists' videos).

1 = One of the all-time weakest/worst PSB music videos
= Not one of their worst, but below average for them
= An average PSB music video
= Not one of their best, but above average for them
= One of the all-time best PSB music videos

*Note: Abstentions are not counted toward the calculation of the average.

¤ 26.8%

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Survey 761 - Week of May 8, 2016
Are you getting the new issue of Literally? (310 voters)

Are you planning to buy (or have you already placed an order for) a copy of Issue #42 of the Pet Shop Boys fan publication Literally—or if you're expecting to "automatically" receive a copy by virtue of your unexpired Fan Club membership, would you have been willing to buy a copy if your membership had expired?

29.0% - "No, I'm definitely NOT buying a copy!"
27.4% - " Yes, I'm definitely buying a copy!" ¤
16.1% - "I'm uncertain/undecided at this point."
14.8% - "I expect to receive a copy on account of my unexpired Fan Club membership, but I would definitely be buying a copy if that weren't the case!"
08.1% - "I'm not sure whether my Fan Club membership had expired, so I'm not yet sure whether I'll be receiving a copy. If it turns out I don't receive a 'free' copy, I'll definitely buy one!"
02.3% - "I'm definitely buying a copy despite the fact that I'm also expecting to receive a copy on account of my unexpired Fan Club membership."
01.6% - "I'm not sure whether my Fan Club membership had expired, so I'm not yet sure whether I'll be receiving a copy. If it turns out I don't receive a "free" copy, I'll definitely NOT buy one!"
00.6% - "I expect to receive a copy on account of my unexpired Fan Club membership, but I would definitely NOT buy a copy if that weren't the case!"

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Survey 760 - Week of May 1, 2016
Should they complete the "Price trilogy"? (491 voters)

Do you think Stuart Price ought to produce the Pet Shop Boys' next studio album—the third in a long-discussed "trilogy" of which Electric and Super are the first two parts?

45.0% - Yes, absolutely!
33.2% - Only if the Boys and Price decide to take it in a very different direction—to "stretch" themselves and try something new. ¤
09.0% - I'm undecided and/or I have very mixed feelings about it.
08.6% - No, absolutely not!
04.3% - I don't care—I really have no feelings about this one way or the other.

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Survey 759 - Week of April 24, 2016
Overall opinion of Super (538 voters)

Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing your opinion of the relative quality overall of the Pet Shop Boys' latest album Super?

35.3% - It may not be their best, but I think it's one of their better albums.
35.3% - I think it's pretty much an "average" PSB album, with about as many other PSB albums that are better as ones that aren't as good.
20.6% - I don't think it's one of their better albums; it's somewhat below-average for them.
03.3% - I think it's their poorest studio album yet!
02.4% - I think it's their best studio album yet!
01.5% - My feelings about it are much too mixed to be able to make any of these choices.
01.5% - I can't say either because I haven't heard it or I'm not yet familiar enough with it to have formed such an opinion about it.

*I ended up surprising myself with this choice. My initial impulse was to vote that it's one of their better albums—not their best by any means, but definitely one of the better ones. But then, when I began actually to compare it to other PSB albums in terms of which ones I preferred, I found that I couldn't place it in the "upper half," so to speak. It wound up toward the middle—and, to be honest, on the low side of the middle. So I ultimately voted "average," giving it the benefit of the doubt (and thereby not rating it "below-average") on account for the fact that, yes, I really do like it a lot. For that matter, however, I really do like ALL of the Boys' studio albums, even the ones that I would have to place at the bottom of a ranking since certain albums would just have to be at the bottom of any such ranking. That is, I would have to rank Nightlife and Elysium as "my least favorite PSB studio albums"—but I still love them both!

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Survey 758 - Week of April 17, 2016
The Rating Project: Super (499 voters)

Please rate each of the following tracks from the Pet Shop Boys' album Super (plus the two bonus songs accompanying the album's first single, "The Pop Kids") on a scale of 0 to 10 as they compare with other PSB songs (0 = "one of the worst PSB songs ever"; 5 = "an average PSB song"; 10 = "one of the very best PSB songs ever").

Track (Listed from Highest Average Rating to Lowest) Average
% of
% of
Rating ¤
Burn 7.911 19.0% 0.2% 9 10
The Dictator Decides 7.451 15.2% 0.4% 8 8
Say It to Me 6.996 10.7% 0.4% 8 9
Into Thin Air 6.970 10.1% 0.6% 6 10
Undertow 6.930 7.8% 0.4% 8 9
The Pop Kids 6.805 8.3% 0.8% 7 5
Twenty-something 6.578 8.3% 2.1% 8 8
Inner Sanctum 6.506 6.6% 1.0% 7 1
Sad Robot World 6.435 6.0% 0.8% 5 5
In Bits 6.081 5.2% 1.2% 7 4
Happiness 5.728 3.3% 2.9% 7 2
Groovy 5.542 3.1% 1.4% 5 6
One Hit Wonder 5.464 3.6% 1.0% 5 1
Pazzo! 4.741 2.3% 3.9% 5 1

To see where these tracks fall in relation to other songs in the PSB catalog, please visit the overall "Rating Project" page.

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Survey 757 - Week of April 10, 2016
The second single from Super (652 voters)

Which track from Super do you believe should be the album's second single?

32.3% - Burn ¤*
17.9% - Undertow
16.9% - Twenty-something
14.7% - Say It to Me
03.8% - Happiness
03.8% - The Dictator Decides
03.7% - Groovy
02.3% - "I'm not yet familiar enough with the album to make a choice."
01.2% - Inner Sanctum
01.1% - Sad Robot World
01.1% - "None of them. I don't think there should be a second single from Super."
00.6% - Pazzo!
00.5% - Into Thin Air

*Although I voted for "Burn" myself, I'm actually rather surprised that it came out on top of this poll—especially by such a wide margin. I would've thought that "Undertow" or "Say It to Me" would've come in first place. And while I'm not at all surprised that "Into Thin Air" didn't place very high, I'm amazed that it came in dead last, a distinction that I would've figured would go to one of the album's near-instrumentals. Shows how much I know.

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Survey 756 - Week of April 3, 2016
How Super compares to Electric (614 voters)

At least based on your early impression of the album, how would you compare Super to the Pet Shop Boys' immediately preceding album, Electric?

22.5% - I think Super isn't quite as good as Electric.
20.8% - I think Super is pretty much on a par with Electric—no better, no worse.
20.4% - I think Super is much better than Electric. ¤
20.0% - I think Super is a little better than Electric.
09.6% - I think Super is a much poor album than Electric.
04.1% - I have very mixed feelings about it. Super is better in some ways, but not as good in others.
02.6% - I really can't say since I haven't heard one or both of the albums.

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Survey 755 - Week of March 27, 2016
Super-related PSB music purchases (543 voters)

Which of the following items have you already purchased (including pre-orders) or are definitely planning on purchasing? Please choose all that apply—but if you're still uncertain or undecided about it, please don't select it. (Note that, because voters could make more than one selection in this survey, the percentage figures total to considerably more than 100%.)

73.2% - The album Super in CD format ¤
42.2% - The single "The Pop Kids" in CD format ¤
33.7% - The single "The Pop Kids" in digital format ¤
32.2% - The album Super in digital format ¤*
29.5% - The digital remix package for "The Pop Kids"
21.5% - The album Super in vinyl format
11.8% - The single "The Pop Kids" in 12-inch vinyl format
07.0% - One or more miscellaneous tracks featured on any of these releases in digital format (separately from and/or opposed to the entire set overall)
05.3% - None of the above

*You might wonder why I've bought Super and "The Pop Kids" in both CD and digital formats: CD because that's the medium I prefer, but digital as well so that I can hear the music on the day of release as opposed to waiting anywhere from two days to two weeks for the pre-ordered CD to arrive in the mail. Incidentally, I didn't select the digital remix package for "The Pop Kids" because I've already heard most of the remixes included online, and I'm not very impressed. I generally buy only remixes that I like unless they're part of package along with something else that I really do want. I'm a completist when it comes to PSB songs, but not when it comes to mere remixes of songs that I already own in their "original" form.

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Survey 754 - Week of March 20, 2016
Learning the lyrics to PSB songs (361 voters)

Have you ever made it a point to try to learn all the lyrics to Pet Shop Boys songs? If so, do you still try to do so with their more recent songs? Which of the following statements comes closest to describing your experience in this matter?

52.6% - I don't really make it a point to learn the lyrics to all of their songs, but I generally end up doing so just from listening to them all so often. ¤
15.8% - I learn the lyrics to many if not most of their songs, but certainly not all of them.
07.8% - I make it a point to learn the lyrics of my favorite PSB songs, but not any others.
06.4% - No, I've never really learned most of their lyrics for some reason other than their not being in my native language.
06.1% - Yes, I make it a point to learn the lyrics to every PSB song!
05.0% - I used to make it a point to learn all of their lyrics, but I haven't done so with their more recent songs.
04.2% - No, I've never really learned most of their lyrics, largely because they're not in my native language.
01.7% - I have a different perspective and/or experience in this matter from any of the others described here.*
00.6% - I make it a point to learn the lyrics of their more recent songs, but not their older material.

**Among the other perspectives shared by voters:

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Survey 753 - Week of March 13, 2016
The PSB show you most regret missing (419 voters)

Which of the following Pet Shop Boys concerts (or PSB-related shows) that you haven't seen "live" do you most regret having missed? (To put it another way, if you could go back in time to see any one of these that you haven't already seen "live," which one would you choose?)

24.6% - A Performance Tour show (1991)
15.3% - A DiscoVery Tour show (1994)
13.1% - An MCMLXXXIX Tour show (1989)
05.5% - The Haçienda concert in Manchester (1992)
05.3% - A Uni/Release Tour show (2002) ¤*
05.3% - An Electric Tour show (2013-2015)
05.0% - A "Somewhere" residence show at the Savoy in London (1997)
04.3% - A Pandemonium Tour show (2009-2010)
04.1% - A live performance of Closer to Heaven
03.6% - Their Concrete show at the Mermaid Theatre in London (2006)
03.1% - A Nightlife Tour show (1999-2000)
02.6% - A live performance of Battleship Potemkin
01.9% - The live performance of A Man from the Future at the Proms (2014)
01.9% - Some other show not listed here**
01.2% - A Fundamental Tour show (2006-2007)
01.2% - A Take That Reunion Tour show (2011)
01.2% - I honestly haven't missed ANY of them!
01.0% - A live performance of The Most Incredible Thing

*As for my own vote in the poll, I found myself extremely torn between several choices. I would love to have seen the Performance Tour show, which took place even before I became a PSB fan. Based on the video/DVD, I would personally have to regard it as the Boys' greatest show, and it would have been great to see it "live." But, then again, I do have it on video, so at least I've seen it from that angle. So I think a better choice would be a show that I haven't seen at all. The Concrete Mermaid concert would have been terrific because I would very much like to see the Boys perform with a full orchestra one day. I would also hope to see a performance of the stage show Closer to Heaven (maybe someday), and the DiscoVery tour show would've been awesome. But, ultimately, my choice came down to the Uni/Release Tour show, in which Neil and Chris performed as part of an actual "rock band" (more or less) and which I haven't seen at all since it wasn't documented on video. Yet it carries a very special meaning for me. As I've noted elsewhere on this website, I had tickets for that show but was forced to miss it because my father had passed away and his funeral, more than 2,000 miles away, happened to be on the same day as the concert. So missing that particular PSB show was indeed my greatest regret of the bunch. If I hadn't missed it, it would've meant that my father hadn't died—at least not at that particular time. In short, the Pet Shop Boys themselves are only part of the reason—and, in fact, not the biggest reason—that I regret missing that show most of all.

**Among the other shows mentioned by voters:

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Survey 752 - Week of March 6, 2016
An entire album in a different style? (376 voters)

Would you like for the Pet Shop Boys at some point to record and release an entire album (or at least most of an album) in one of the following styles of music*—and, if so, which one would you most prefer?

*They've already recorded albums largely in a Latin style (Bilingual) and in a more or less "classical" style (Battleship PotemkinThe Most Incredible Thing, and the still-unreleased A Man from the Future), and of course a great deal of their music is in adance/disco and/or "electronic" style and has long been greatly influenced by rap/hip-hop, so those weren't offered as options in this poll.

58.2% - "No, I would not like for them to put out an entire album in any of these styles." ¤*
11.4% - jazz
07.2% - Some other style not listed here**
06.6% - funk
05.1% - soul
05.1% - folk
03.7% - country-western
02.7% - reggae

*The important words for me in making this choice were "an entire album." I would love for the Pet Shop Boys to do one or maybe two tracks in virtually any style, those listed here included. But an entire album or close to it? No, that doesn't particularly interest me.

**Among the other styles favored by voters:

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Survey 751 - Week of February 28, 2016
Feelings about PSB collaboration with Jarre (387 voters)

Which one of the following statements comes closest to expressing your own feelings about the news that the Pet Shop Boys have collaborated with Jean-Michel Jarre on the upcoming track "Brick England"?

41.1% - I'm not a fan of Jarre, but I welcome news of PSB collaborating and releasing a new track with him nonetheless. ¤*
32.0% - I'm a fan of Jarre, so I think it's fantastic!
12.7% - I'd never heard of Jarre before, but I'm pleased because it means one more "PSB track."
08.5% - I really have no feelings about this one way or the other.
01.8% - I'm not a fan of Jarre, so I'm not pleased about the news that PSB collaborated with him on a new track.
01.3% - I'm a fan of Jarre, but nevertheless I'm not thrilled with the idea of PSB collaborating with him.
01.0% - I have very mixed feelings about it.
01.0% - I have an opinion very different from any of those expressed here.**
00.5% - I'd never heard of Jarre before, so I'm not pleased that PSB collaborated with him.

*Although I've certainly been aware of Jean-Michel Jarre for years—I mean, I've long known his name and who he is—I'm really not familiar with his music, so I have no feelings about his work one way or the other.

**Among the different opinions offered by voters:

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Survey 750 - Week of February 21, 2016
Early opinion of "The Pop Kids" as a PSB single (490 voters)

In general, how would you rate "The Pop Kids" as a Pet Shop Boys single?

34.9% - It's an average PSB single, with roughly as many better singles as weaker ones.
23.1% - It's not one of their very best, but better than most.
17.3% - It's not one of their weakest, but it's below average.
09.4% - It's one of their best singles ever!
07.6% - It's one of their weakest singles ever!
04.1% - I have very mixed feelings about it. ¤*
03.7% - I haven't heard it yet (or at least enough of it to assess it in this way).

It's worth noting that these results constitute a classic "normal distribution" bell curve with a large bulge in the middle, although the curve leans a bit toward the positive side.

*I can summarize my own "very mixed feelings" as follows. I actually think it’s a rather “below average” PSB song. That's not to say that I dislike it. No, I don't dislike it at all. It's just that I don't love it nearly as much as most other PSB songs.If I had to rank every PSB song from favorite to least favorite, "The Pop Kids" wouldn't be in the top half, although I still like it along with the vast majority of all other Pet Shop Boys songs. Singles, of course, aren’t what they used to be for a veteran band like PSB. It has little chance of major mainstream success. Then again, I'd be surprised if, at this stage of their career, any new song they put out, no matter how great, would be a major mainstream success. But, all that being said, I think it has tremendous potential as a dance-club hit, and I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t extend the Boys’ streak as a hugely successful act on the U.S. dance charts. So, its comparative weaknesses aside, I think it may be a very good choice for a single from that perspective.

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Survey 749 - Week of February 14, 2016
How PSB should commemorate David Bowie (406 voters)

Do you think the Pet Shop Boys should do something (aside from their touching post on their official website) to commemorate David Bowe? If so, how would you most like to see them go about it?

31.3% - No, I think what they've already done is sufficient.
28.8% - I think they should perform "Hallo Spaceboy" in his honor during their upcoming live shows and/or on their next tour. ¤
20.0% - I think they should record a new cover of one of his songs, perhaps releasing it as a bonus track on one of their upcoming singles.
07.6% - I think they should perform some other Bowie song in his honor during their upcoming live shows and/or on their next tour.
04.4% - I think they should write a new song in his honor.
02.5% - I think they should perform, in his honor, "Friendly Fire" or one of their other original songs at least partly inspired by Bowie during their upcoming live shows and/or on their next tour.
02.2% - I think they should revisit "Hallo Spaceboy" in some other way, such as by re-recording it or releasing new remixes.
01.5% - I think they should cover a number of Bowie songs and release them as a separate album, or at least a multi-track single or EP.
01.0% - I think they should allude to him in an upcoming music video.
00.7% - I think they should do something else not mentioned here.*

*But I was unable to discern anything "else" among the comments provided by voters.

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Survey 748 - Week of February 7, 2016
Early expectations for Super (391 voters)

Based on everything you've heard, read, and seen so far, which of the following statements comes closest to describing your honest expectations with regard to the upcoming new Pet Shop Boys album Super?

40.4% - I expect it to be an excellent album—probably not their best ever, but top-notch nonetheless.
22.5% - I expect it to be a good PSB album, but probably not one of their best.
13.0% - I honestly feel I haven't heard, read, or seen enough to far to have any expectations.
06.4% - I expect it will be their greatest album yet!
05.9% - I expect it to be great for what it probably is—a real "up" album, "More electric than Electric"—but I would really like at least one or two ballads mixed in, and if there aren't any, I'll be a little disappointed. ¤
04.6% - I don't have very high expectations for it—perhaps sub-standard for them.
03.8% - I suspect it will be a real mixed bag: some incredible high points, but also some major disappointments.
01.8% - I have dismal expectations for it. I fear it will be one of their weakest albums—if not the weakest album of their career.
01.5% - I have a very different opinion from any of those expressed here.*

*Among the alternate opinions shared by voters:

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Survey 747 - Week of January 31, 2016
How much do you like these "Super preliminaries"? (427 voters)

Now that you've had some time to mull them over, please indicate how much you like or dislike each of the following things related to the recent news about the Pet Shop Boys' upcoming new studio album Super.

The album title Super

33.5% - I like it. ¤
26.0% - I love it!
24.8% - I can take it or leave it (neutral).
11.5% - I don't like it.
02.1% - I hate it!
01.4% - I'm reserving judgment for later.

The cover artwork for Super

34.7% - I like it.
30.0% - I can take it or leave it (neutral). ¤
13.6% - I don't like it.
13.1% - I love it!
03.7% - I'm reserving judgment for later.
03.5% - I hate it!

The taster track "Inner Sanctum"

36.3% - I like it. ¤
32.8% - I love it!
16.6% - I can take it or leave it (neutral).
06.6% - I'm reserving judgment for later.
05.9% - I don't like it.
00.9% - I hate it!

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Survey 746 - Week of January 24, 2016
Opinions of the "What Is Super?" promo campaign (416 voters)

Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing your opinion of the Pet Shop Boys' recent, somewhat mysterious "What Is Super?" promotional campaign as a means of announcing the upcoming release of their new album Super?

40.4% - It was brilliant! It was lots of fun to wonder and speculate about it for a week, and it didn't disappoint in the end!
26.4% - It was OK—a pretty good way to announce the new album, but nothing terribly special about it.
12.5% - I liked the promotional campaign itself, but I was disappointed with just confirmation of the album's title and release date along with the debut of one new track. With such a build-up, there should've been more at the end.
06.7% - I really didn't know much of anything about it or pay much attention to it while it was going on.
06.7% - What "What Is Super?" campaign? This is the first I've heard of it!
02.2% - I have mixed feelings about it.* ¤
01.9% - I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other.
01.4% - I think it was rather silly myself. I'd rather they not play games l ike that with their fans.
01.0% - I have a very different opinion form any of those listed here.**
00.7% - It really surprised me in that I didn't think it had anything to do with PSB until the "big reveal" at the end.

*My own mixed feelings about it can be summarized as follows: I enjoyed the promo campaign—it was fun and rather exciting for online fandom—and I feel it had real potential, but I can understand and appreciate the views of those fans who have more negative feelings about it. For one thing, I don't believe it was executed nearly as well as it might have been. PSB fans were already expecting an announcement of a new album at any moment, so they caught on quickly. (The decidedly "PSB-sounding" music was also a virtual dead giveaway.) Such a campaign would have been most beneficial if it had succeeded in attracting a good deal of attention beyond their fanbase. But, at least from what I can tell, it doesn't appear to have done so. I think it might have had a greater payoff if it had lasted longer than a week (maybe two or three weeks) and had been publicized more widely, perhaps even with some ads in major publications. Of course, that would have cost more money than the Boys—now without the backing of a major record label—may have been willing to spend, especially with a highly questionable return on the investment. In short, I think it was a worthwhile but seriously flawed experiment.

**Among the alternate opinions shared by voters:

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Survey 745 - Week of January 17, 2016
Favorite song written for others but not physically released by PSB (315 voters)

The following songs were written by the Pet Shop Boys for other artists but have never been released (at least not "officially" in a physical format) in a version performed by them. (This list does not include songs written for and used in their stage musical Closer to Heaven.) Which is your favorite of the batch?

26.7% - The Loving Kind
12.1% - A Little Black Dress
11.7% - Don't Drop Bombs
08.9% - The Performance of My Life
08.3% - I Want You Now
08.3% - If There Was Love ¤
07.9% - Daydreaming
07.6% - Jack and Jill Party
04.4% - Occupy Your Mind
02.5% - All or Nothing
01.6% - I Can't Say Goodnight

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Survey 744 - Week of January 10, 2016
The non-single to "turn into" a single? (419 voters)

Because I had an opportunity to assist The Doctor in a small but pivotal way in a recent encounter with the Daleks—though in an unheralded manner since, as Sherlock Holmes once described his fabled case involving the giant rat of Sumatra, it's "a story for which the world is not yet prepared"—he has granted me the privilege of hitching a ride in his TARDIS for a quick trip into the past, where he will assist me in persuading Chris and Neil to release as a single one of their songs of my own choosing that they did not, in our current timeline, ever get around to releasing as a single. I can think of only ten Pet Shop Boys non-singles that, in my opinion, may be worth risking a general muddling of the space-time continuum to elevate to single status. But I’m terribly undecided among these ten. So I'm asking for your input regarding my ten choices. In short—

Which one of them do you think I ought to try to turn into a PSB single?

17.9% - Pandemonium
14.3% - Shameless
11.2% - A Face Like That
10.3% - Closer to Heaven (Nightlife version)
10.0% - The Sodom and Gomorrah Show
08.6% - I Didn't Get Where I Am Today
06.7% - Tonight Is Forever
06.7% - I Want to Wake Up
05.7% - The End of the World ¤*
05.0% - One in a Million
03.6% - "Sorry, Wayne, but I don't think ANY of them are worth the possible damage to the space-time continuum!"**

*At first I considered not voting at all in this poll since, after all, the premise is that I couldn't make up my mind about it. But I figured, well, if someone were to put a gun to my head (heaven forbid) and force me to make a choice, I darn well could. So, under such extreme circumstances, I would pick "The End of the World." So that's what decided to vote for. But why that one—especially since there are five others in the list that, in general, I like even more and place among my personal favorites? Because I believe that not only would it have had as good a chance if not better to have been a hit compared to those others, but also that it would have come right at a time when I believe PSB's commercial fortunes, at least as hit-singlemakers, just might still have been saved in the States. It would've been a tremendous long-shot, I know—but not nearly as long a shot as the odds of my actually being able to go back in time.

**One voter suggested "Up Against It" as an alternative. I actually came very close to including "Up Against It" among the choices in this poll, but ultimately decided against it because I was determined to hold the number of songs to choose from down to ten. If I had decided to raise that figure to eleven or twelve, "Up Against It" would certainly have been included.

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Survey 743 - Week of January 3, 2016
Which PSB albums do you not own a physical copy of? (398 voters)

Which of the following PSB albums do you not own a physical copy of?

36.9% - "I own a physical copy of ALL of them!" ¤
33.4% - Closer to Heaven
30.2% - The Most Incredible Thing
29.9% - Ultimate
25.9% - Battleship Potemkin
23.1% - Disco 4
22.6% - Concrete
20.1% - Relentless
18.6% - Format
16.6% - Pandemonium
15.1% - Disco 2
14.8% - Disco
14.1% - Electric
13.1% - Disco 3
12.1% - PopArt
11.6% - Elysium
09.8% - Discography
08.5% - Release
08.0% - Please
08.0% - Alternative
08.0% - Yes
07.8% - Nightlife
07.8% - Fundamental
07.0% - Actually
06.8% - Introspective
05.8% - Bilingual
05.5% - Behaviour
05.0% - Very

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