PSB Survey Results - 2020+ Surveys
This page presents the results of surveys I've conducted in the years 2020 and thereafter. (I stopped running weekly or biweekly polls in 2020, instead running them only sporadically from then on). The results of surveys conducted in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 , 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 , and 2019 appear on separate pages.
The response in each survey that received the most votes is highlighted in bold red. I usually list the responses in descending order according to the number of votes, but in a few cases I've decided that the results may be clearer or more meaningful if I list them in some other order. Incidentally, I do vote in my own surveysand, yes, I vote only once. More often than not, what I vote for doesn't come in first place. In the results below, the symbol ¤ appears after the item(s) that I voted for in each survey.
Survey 912 - Week of January 19, 2025 The Rating Project: Later tracks of the "Nonetheless Era" (213 voters) |
Please rate each of the later tracks of the "Nonetheless Era" (those released after the "Feel" single) on a scale of 0 to 10 as they compare with other PSB/Tennant-Lowe songs: (0 = "one of the worst PSB songs ever"; 5 = "an average PSB song"; 10 = "one of the very best PSB songs ever").
To see where these songs fall in relation to other songs in the PSB catalog, please visit my overall "Rating Project" page.
Survey 911 - Week of July 7, 2024 The Rating Project: Nonetheless and recent bonus songs (366 voters) |
Please rate each of the songs on the Pet Shop Boys' album Nonetheless, as well as the b-sides of its singles released so far and the import bonus track "Clean Air Hybrid Electric Bus," on a scale of 0 to 10 as they compare with other PSB/Tennant-Lowe songs: (0 = "one of the worst PSB songs ever"; 5 = "an average PSB song"; 10 = "one of the very best PSB songs ever").
To see where these songs fall in relation to other songs in the PSB catalog, please visit my overall "Rating Project" page.
Survey 910 - Week of May 28, 2023 The Rating Project: Recent PSB songs (261 voters) |
Please rate each of the following previously unrated Pet Shop Boys songs on a scale of 0 to 10 as they compare with other PSB songs (not with songs by other artists):
To see where these songs fall in relation to other songs in the PSB catalog, please visit my overall "Rating Project" page.
Survey 909 - Week of July 18, 2021 The Rating Project: "Cricket Wife" (275 voters) |
Please rate the song "Cricket Wife" on a scale of 0 to 10 as it compares with other PSB songs (not with songs by other artists):
Track | Average Rating |
% of voters rating 10 |
% of voters rating 0 |
Most frequent rating |
Wayne's Rating ¤ |
Cricket Wife | 4.902 | 5.9% | 8.6% | 7 | 2 |
To see where this song falls in relation to other songs in the PSB catalog, please visit my overall "Rating Project" page.
Survey 908 - Week of June 14, 2020 The Rating Project: My Beautiful Laundrette and "New Boy" (135 voters) |
Please rate each of the previously unrated Tennant-Lowe songs from My Beautiful Laundrette as well as the most recent b-side, "New Boy," on a scale of 0 to 10 as they compare with other PSB songs (not with songs by other artists):
To see where these tracks (as well as the previously rated Laundrette song "No Boundaries") fall in relation to other songs in the PSB catalog, please visit my overall "Rating Project" page.
Survey 907 - Week of March 29, 2020 Ranking the "Price trilogy" of albums (505 voters) |
How do you rank the three Pet Shop Boys studio albums of the "Stuart Price trilogy"? Please indicate which one you feel is the best, the one "in the middle," and the one that is weakest. (This doesn't mean that you don't like the "weakest" one. You may love it! It simply means that you don't think it's quite as good as the other two.)
Note: Vote submissions that did not rank all three albums were not counted.
*In calculating the averages, a ranking of "The Best" equalled a score of 1, "The 'Middle'" a score of 2, and "The Weakest" a score of 3. Therefore in the averages, the lower the figure is—that is, the closer it is to 1— the better it is.
The Best The "Middle" The Weakest Average* Electric 49.5% ¤ 26.5% 24.0% 1.75 Hotspot 33.3% 38.8% ¤ 27.9% 1.95 Super ¤ 17.2% 34.7% 48.1% 2.31The breakdown of how voters ranked the three albums as a group:
The Best The "Middle" The Weakest 30.5% Electric Hotspot Super 19.0% Electric Super Hotspot Hotspot Electric Super 15.6% Hotspot Super Electric ¤ 8.9% Super Electric Hotspot 8.3% Super Hotspot Electric
Survey 906 - Week of March 8, 2020 Rating three recent music videos (311 voters) |
Please rate the following three music videos by the Pet Shop Boys on a scale of 1 to 5 as they compare to other PSB music videos (as opposed to how it compares with other artists' videos).
1 = One of the all-time weakest/worst PSB music videos
2 = Not one of their worst, but below average for them
3 = An average PSB music video
4 = Not one of their best, but above average for them
5 = One of the all-time best PSB music videos*Note: Abstentions are not counted toward the calculation of the average.
Abstain* 1 2 3 4 5 AverageMonkey Business 2.9% 4.8% 7.4% ¤ 15.4% 37.9% 31.2% 3.954On Social Media 8.7% ¤ 6.4% 15.1% 24.4% 26.7% 18.6% 3.394Dreamland 7.1% ¤ 10.9% 27.3% 37.9% 11.9% 4.8% 2.702
Survey 905 - Week of March 1, 2020 The Rating Project: Hotspot and recent b-sides (428 voters) |
Please rate each of the songs on the Pet Shop Boys' album Hotspot (minus "Dreamland," which was rated in a previous poll), as well as the b-sides of its singles released so far, on a scale of 0 to 10 as they compare with other PSB/Tennant-Lowe songs: (0 = "one of the worst PSB songs ever"; 5 = "an average PSB song"; 10 = "one of the very best PSB songs ever").
To see where these tracks (as well as the previously rated "Dreamland") fall in relation to other songs in the PSB catalog, please visit my overall "Rating Project" page.
Survey 904 - January 26, 2020 Early impression of Hotspot (425 voters) |
I had to end this poll after only a single day because someone had figured out a way to corrupt its data, rendering the results invalid and the poll itself a waste of time. But I happened to check the results a few hours before this corruption began to occur, and the following is an approximation of how the results stood at that time. So these results should be taken as flawed and partial, but at least they're not seriously corrupted. If you're surprised by the large number of voters for a single day, don't be. It's not unusual for my website to have a large upward spike in the number of site visitors right after the release of a new Pet Shop Boys album, and my polls generally have a larger than usual voter turnout at those times. It's also fairly routine for well over half of all the votes in my surveys to occur in the first 24 hours or so. At any rate, because of the corruption of this poll, I called an at least temporary halt to my PSB surveys. They may resume, however, at a later date, though they will probably be sporadic rather than regular biweekly occurrences.
Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing your very early impression of the Pet Shop Boys' new album Hotspot?
33.9% - I like it. It may not be one of their very best, but it's a winner! ¤
21.6% - I love it! I think it may be one of their very best albums!
20.9% - I don't much care for it and I'm somewhat disappointed.
09.2% - It's OK, sort of "average"—not bad by any means, but not as good as I might've liked.
07.8% - I think it's a mixed bag. Some of it is fantastic, some middling, and some not very good at all.
04.7% - I hate it! I think it may be one of their worst albums!
00.9% - I'm undecided so far. I'm not quite sure what to make of it right now.
00.7% - I have a very different opinion from any of those expressed above.
00.2% - I can't answer this question. Not only have I not heard it, but (for whatever reason) I'm not going to be able to hear it during this poll.
Survey 903 - Weeks of January 12 and 19, 2020 Opinions about the "greatest hits" tour (497 voters) |
The Pet Shop Boys' upcoming Dreamworld Tour is subtitled "The Greatest Hits Live." Which one of the following statements comes closest to expressing how you feel about them playing what is apparently a "greatest hits tour" this time around?
23.1% - It really doesn't matter to me. I'm just pleased they're heading out on tour again, whatever form the show takes.
20.3% - I think it's fantastic! A live PSB show with nothing but hits will probably be one of the best shows ever!
19.1% - I'm disappointed. I love hearing non-hits like album tracks and b-sides live, so this show may not be as much to my liking.
15.7% - I have mixed feelings about it. Some things I like about it, but I also have some reservations. ¤
12.3% - It's probably just a marketing gimmick. I suspect the show will still feature a number of non-hits, such as selections from their new album and other non-singles.
08.0% - It doesn't matter to me because I almost certainly won't be attending any of the live shows, anyway.
01.4% - I have a very different opinion from any of those expressed above.**I initially began collecting "different opinions" from voters who chose this option. But, unfortunately, egregious abuse by one or more individuals of my "Comments" feature necessitated its discontinuation mid-survey. Therefore, since I was forced to deny some voters that opportunity, I won't list the alternate opinions offered by any of the voters. I won't be soliciting comments in this way from voters in future polls, at least for the foreseeable future.
All text on this website aside from direct quotations (such as of lyrics and of other nonoriginal content) is copyright © 2001-2025 by Wayne Studer. All Rights Reserved. All lyrics and images are copyright © their respective dates by their respective owners. Brief quotations and small, low-resolution images are used for identification and critical commentary, thereby constituting Fair Use under U.S. copyright law. Billboard chart data are copyright © their respective dates by Billboard Media, LLC.