Additional Notes on This Survey
- Please base your ratings on how you would compare each song to all other Pet Shop Boys songs—not to other artists' songs in general, and not just to the songs being rated in this poll.
- Also, please don't consider the final outcomes of previous rating polls. For example, let's say you like "Everybody Will Dance" more than "Go West." Just because the final average rating of "Go West" was 8.217 doesn't necessarily mean that you should therefore give "Everybody Will Dance" a rating higher than 8. Rather, you should base your decision on how you would rate "Go West," and then rate "Everybody Will Dance" accordingly. If you would give "Go West" a rating of only 4, then your rating of "Everybody Will Dance" needs to be higher only than 4. How much higher depends on how much more you like it. In other words, don't make your comparisons to the overall averages of your fellow fans; instead, make them to how you would rate the songs you're comparing.
- Please vote only once. If you do vote multiple times, only your most recent vote will be counted.
- Depending
on your browser, your vote may not be sent unless/until your email program is
running. If it turns out that this voting function doesn't work at all for you,
feel free to
simply list each song followed by your 0-10 rating. Rest assured that your
email address will not be added to any list or database on account of your
participation in this survey, regardless of how you participate.
- If
the radio buttons in the survey display in a confusing way, please check to make sure
your browser text size is set to "Medium." This survey is designed to
display most clearly and attractively at Medium text size.
- Because
of the nature of this survey, current results and the usual comments board aren't available. Please check back
at the end of this poll (scheduled for January 26) for the final results, at which time I will also report the average rating for each
- Thanks!
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All text on this website aside from direct quotations (such as of lyrics and of other nonoriginal content) is copyright © 2001-2025 by Wayne Studer. All Rights Reserved. All lyrics and images are copyright © their respective dates by their respective owners. Brief quotations and small, low-resolution images are used for identification and critical commentary, thereby constituting Fair Use under U.S. copyright law. If, however, the owners of any copyrighted items object to their use on this site, I will immediately remove the pertinent items upon request and verification. Billboard chart data are copyright © their respective dates by Billboard Media, LLC.