Widely regarded as the Pet Shop Boys' least popular and least successful album, Disco 2 was roundly panned by critics (and many otherwise dedicated fans) as a redundant collection of highly repetitive remixes segued together in a more or less seamless fashion. Its chief attractions lay in the inclusion of a couple of tracks previously unavailable on any official PSB albumthough even they didn't appear in their original 7" mixesand the availability of a "special edition" which offered a bonus disc that contained several other tracks that were relatively hard to find at the time.
Note: Except for "Absolutely Fabulous," most the following links will take you to the section for the album Very. The link for "We All Feel Better in the Dark" will take you to Alternative. Please keep this in mind for "navigational" purposes.
- Absolutely Fabulous
- I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing
- Go West
- Liberation
- So Hard
- Can You Forgive Her?
- Yesterday, When I Was Mad
- We All Feel Better in the Dark
All text on this website aside from direct quotations (such as of lyrics and of other nonoriginal content) is copyright © 2001-2017 by Wayne Studer. All Rights Reserved. All lyrics and images are copyright © their respective dates by their respective owners. Brief quotations and small, low-resolution images are used for identification and critical commentary, thereby constituting Fair Use under U.S. copyright law. Billboard chart data are copyright © their respective dates by Nielsen Business Media, Inc.